VV: We’ll send the name of the mandatee to the President, with no delay

Periskopi.info News

Vetevendosje will send the name of the mandatee without delay to President Thaci, as provided by the country’s Constitution, says spokesman of VV, Arlind Manxhuka, for the Television Klan Kosova.

“Our goal has been and remains creation of the new institutions, in line with the will of our citizens, expressed in the October 6 elections,” he says.

“In this regard, we’re making efforts to have a new government in place as soon as possible, as it is stated in the last meeting of our Presidency. We will, without delay, of course send the name of the mandatee, as provided by the Constitution. The public opinion will be notified on time when we will submit the name of the mandatee,” Manxhuka says.

When asked whether this means that VV will hand over the name of the mandatee without any prior agreement with the LDK, Manxhuka didn’t give more details on this issue.

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