Two Agims, Bahtiri and Veliu, have met last night in Fatmir Limaj’s Malisheva News

In the wake of disagreements between Vetevendosje and the LDK over the governing coalition, which can lead these two parties to fail in forming the government, a meeting that took place yesterday between the deputy leader of the LDK, Agim Veliu and Agim Bahtiri from the VV, may represent an attempt to unlock the situation.

According to the sources of the news portal Gazeta Express, Veliu and Bahtiri have met last night at a restaurant in Malisheva, and the key topic of their discussion was the coalition among two parties.

Otherwise, Veliu and Bahtiri held several meetings while Albin Kurti and Isa Mustafa were talking intensively on possible coalition.

The Periskopi has tried to contact Agim Veliu, in order to ask him about this meeting, but he was out of reach.

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