Three days before the constituent session the LDK and VV still without an agreement News

Vetevendosje (VV) and the LDK still have disagreements over the post of president, just three days before the inauguration of the new Assembly.

While the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) insists on balancing powers between two political subjects, respectively asks for the president’s post in this regard, VV has not moved from its position that this post shouldn’t be part of the agreement at all. But, the LDK has not relinquished the post of president.

According to them, this would balance the positions with VV, because they would, as a wining party, hold the post of prime minister.

Despite its insistence, though, the LDK has not indicated the name of person that would gain this post in 2021. According to them, it is the exclusive right of the LDK to decide who will be nominated for president when the time of his election comes, reports Zeri.

On the other hand, VV repeatedly stated that they will not allow this position to become part of a co-governance agreement.

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