The international community to Kurti: We’re not intervening News

New meeting between the leader of Vetevendosje and the LDK, Albin Kurti and Isa Mustafa, is scheduled to be held at 17:00, in the presence of the Quint ambassadors in Kosovo and the head of the EU Office.

However, through a press release the Quint countries have clarified their position on creation of a new Kosovo government.

“The responsibility for the future of Kosovo, for Kosovo’s leaders and Kosovo itself lies solely to you, the people of Kosovo. We will not engage in mediation. We encourage all political actors in Kosovo to focus on the aspirations of the people of Kosovo,” the joint statement of the QUINT states underlines.

Otherwise, the meeting with the presence of international diplomats accredited in Kosovo was requested yesterday, by Vetevendosje’s leader, Albin Kurti.

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