Mustafa denies VV: We didn’t invite the ambassadors, they did News

Leader of the LDK, Isa Mustafa, has arrived at the Kosovo Assembly, where he is expected to meet with Vetevendosje leader, Albin Kurti, the QUINT ambassadors and with the chief of the EU Office in Kosovo.

Mustafa says that don’t know whether the QUINT ambassadors will attend the meeting, and that his party didn’t invite them.

“I don’t know, as we didn’t invite them. Mr. Kurti invited them, and we’re just going to the meeting. If ambassadors will come, we’ll meet, if not…” Mustafa says.

Head of the Secretariat for Media and Communication in Vetevendosje, Erzen Vraniqi, stated that during the last night’s meeting it was agreed that QUINT ambassadors will also be invited to the next meeting, today or tomorrow.

Vice-chair of Vetevendosje, Besnik Bislimi, was also seen entering the Assembly of Kosovo, although he didn’t clarify anything about the presence of the guests invited by Mr. Kurti.

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