Mirena: Is Albin Kurti responsible as well for our free fall since 2014?

Periskopi.info News

Political analyst, Ilir Mirena, said last night in the Debate Plus show on TV Dukagjini  that both, Vetevendosje and Albin Kurti, are equally guilty as all other parties for all the bad things happened to our country for the last five years, Periskopi reports.

According to Mirena, Kurti has his share of responsibility as well, just like all the others.

“Is Albin Kurti and his Vetevendosje responsible why we’ve been in a free fall since 2014? Why should we believe he is different from the others? Why he is not responsible for the last 5 years of loss in this country? Why he’s  not  guilty like all the others?” Mirena asked.

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