Last Vetvendosje’s offer to LDK: Lets increase the number of ministries News

Leader of Vetevendosje (VV), Albin Kurti, sent last night sent his last offer for the LDK leader, Isa Musatafa. In this offer, published today by the news portal Insajderi, Kurti proposes the number of ministries to be increased from 12 to 14. In this case, thus, the LDK will have six ministries, VV five and minorities three.

Kurti’s offer contains all details for the positions each subject should hold.

“The Prime Minister, the Speaker of the Assembly, the 2nd Deputy Prime Minister, a Vice-Speaker of the Assembly and five Ministries will belong to the LVV,” Kurti’s proposal defines.

Yet, according to this proposal, the LDK should have the first deputy prime minister, the first deputy speaker of the Assembly, 6 ministries, and two deputy ministers more than VV.

VV also agreed that the LDK should nominate a candidate for the president who, according to the VV, will fulfill all criteria the Constitution demands.

“If, for whatever reason, the president is not elected, the LDK will then take on an additional ministry,” the proposal states.

Otherwise, there were no meetings between the LDK and VV since Thursday last week. After the last meeting was concluded the two leaders didn’t make any pronouncement for media.

Though yesterday, following the visit of US Ambassador Philip Kosnett to the LDK, when he appealed on both parties to form the government as soon as possible, leader of the LDK, Isa Mustafa, said that it’s VV who needs to give a solution for the deal.

Yesterday, in a response to Insajderi’s claims, Albulena Haxhiu from Vetevendosje said that there is no guarantee of any agreement with the LDK.

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