Kurti gives an extra ministry to Lista Srpska

Periskopi.info News

There were numerous public reactions following Vetevendosje’s offer for increasing the number of ministries from 12 to 14. The offer was rightly defined as frivolous by the LDK, as it indeed  gives an additional ministry to them but is also gave an additional ministry to Lista Srpska.

In fact, Albin Kurti and Vetevendosje had fiercely opposed Lista Srpska, and accused each government since 2014 for bargaining with a party that delegated its power to Belgrade.

Even before the election, Mr. Kurti openly stated that he would not even consider including Lista Srpska into his government. But, as the words are usually being forgotten, Kurti has already admitted that Lista Srpska will be part of his government. Yet, the thing that has disturbed the public opinion is the ‘additional ministry’ that Kurti will give to the party controlled by Belgrade.

However, this is clearly specified by Article 96 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo (called “Ministries and Representation of Communities”), point 3, which specifically requires an additional ministry for non-majority communities if the number of ministries exceeds 12.

And as Lista Srpska convincingly won the elections and managed to get eight deputies without a quote, it will have the right for one more ministry.

Publicist from Mitrovica, Nexhmedin Spahiu, has said that both, the additional ministry for the Serb community and President’s post for Mr. Mustafa, are part of Kurti’s offer.

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