Konjufca didn’t want to become a Speaker of Parliament, as he disagreed with Kurti on dissolution with the LDK

Periskopi.info News

Glauk Konjufca of Vetevendosje has been elected as Speaker of the Kosovo Assembly, with 75 votes in his favor. Six deputies have abstained, one of them being Mr. Konjufca himself, who thus expressed his “unwillingness” to perform this task.

Such a move by Konjufca can be seen as disagreement with the anger of Mr. Kurti, who decided to put an end to the LDK movement, which earlier during the day proposed to the VV to make the government alone, though by their votes, considering that both parties have failed to reach an coalition agreement.

In his previous appearance, Konjufca sound quite positive about reaching an agreement with the LDK.

“Likelihood is 80 percent” that the coalition can be reached, Konjufca stressed back then.

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