Haki Abazi dashes the LDK hopes: Glauk Konjufca is not going to be dismissed

Periskopi.info News

Deputy of Vetevendosje and the Deputy prime minister-designate, Haki Abazi, has dashed hopes for the LDK that it may assume the post of speaker of the assembly, as reported by the media.

According to Abazi, they cannot turn back prior to December 26, when Glauk Konjufca was elected Speaker of the Assembly.

“We cannot go back in any way prior to December 26, as we’re now in January 2020,” he told to Gazeta Blic. “The reason why Glauk Konjufca was elected is the fact that Vetevendosje didn’t want an institutional vacuum and the LDK must understand this,” Abazi clarified.

He also spoke about eventual meeting between the VV chairman, Albin Kurti and that of the LDK, Isa Mustafa, which could take place today, by saying that he doesn’t have any information on this issue.

“I don’t have any information if they going to meet, nor at what time,” Abazi said.

However, despite ten meetings between Kurti and Mustafa with no concrete result, Abazi said that he remains optimistic that the coalition agreement with the LDK will be reached.

“I’m optimistic that there will be a coalition. And I hope it will happen soon,”Abazi concluded.

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