Exclusive: Fatmir Limaj meets Svecla of VV, for discussing possible coalition between two parties

Periskopi.info News

It seems that Vetevendosje  (VV) will move further from its political positions.  Few minutes ago, a meeting between head of NISMA Socialdemokrate, Fatmir Limaj, and the deputy of VV, Xhelal Sveçla, started in the Office of the Parliamentary Group of VV in the Assembly of Kosovo.

Sources of Periskopi news portal indicate that main topic of the meeting is discussion of cooperation between VV and NISMA on forming the ruling coalition as well as the possibility that Limaj’s political subject to assist negotiations between VV and the LDK on the issue of the president.

Moreover, sources of Periskopi within the Assembly said that it is expected that at 13:00 leader of VV, Albin Kurti will start a meeting with Goran Rakic, from Lista Srpska.  After this meeting, Kurti will meet other minority deputies at 16:00.

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