Analysts consider the LDK-AAK-NISMA coalition possible News

The Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and Vetevendosje (VV) are failing to find a compromise, in order to reach an agreement for forming institutions.

Leader of the LDK, Isa Mustafa, said last night that his party remains on its demands, published yesterday and already debated with VV, the essence of which is that the LDK will hold the speaker until the country’s president is elected. This offer was unacceptable for VV.

Political analyst, Nexhmedin Spahiu, thinks that if the LDK and VV fail to reach an agreement, there’s another option that might prevent the country from going to the polls.

In a statement for Periskopi Spahiu said that the other option is coalition LDK-AAK-NISMA.

He makes a comparison with 2014, when from the political stalemate it was just Mr. Mustafa that benefited in the end. According to Spahiu, we’re now facing two dilemmas, “either will Mustafa became President with Albin Kurti, or he will become Prime Minister with Ramush Haradinaj and Fatmir Limaj.”

“While Kosovo lost from the 2014 stalemate, Mr. Mustafa benefited, by becoming its prime minister.  The main cause of the actual stalemate is again Mr. Mustafa. He aims to either become President with Albin Kurti or to become Prime Minister with Ramush Haradinaj and Fatmir Limaj, and to again enable reelection of Mr. Thaci for President,” Spahiu thinks.

Otherwise, although chances for failure of the coalition between VV and the LDK are real, until this is not confirmed officially country has three options for solving the actual political stalemate:  coalition VV-LDK, coalition the LDK-AAK-NISMA, or new elections.

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