Abdullahu: VV and the LDK have lost hopes of their coalition, as they’ve demanded more than the citizens gave them

Periskopi.info News

Political analyst, Faton Abdullahu, says that Vetevendosje and the LDK disappointed the citizens, who have had sympathy for the ‘Coalition of Hope,’ as they called it. However, he said, things between the two parties “escalated” when both sides demanded more than the citizen gave them.

“It is unfair toward Kosovo citizens, especially those who have called this ‘the coalition of hope.’ These days, respectively these months created a frustration, as concerns have been raised… What’s going on, what were the factors that aggravated the situation, to what extent they disagree with one another, what happened? It’s hard to say who made bigger mistakes, as both seem to have sought something more than the citizen gave them. Why they asked? I mean both sides, as I’m not making any difference. Apparently they wanted to get more, because of their distrust on each other. They thought they would get something more on the table, and it looks like they’ve been stacked there ,”Abdullahu says for RTK.

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