Kurti once accused all governments for dealing with Lista Srpska, now he’s openly says: We’ll give them a ministry

Periskopi.info News

Leader of the Self-Determination Movement, Albin Kurti, says he will hold a meeting with the representatives of Lista Srpska and fulfill the constitutional obligation, by giving them a ministry in the future government.

According to Kurti, as there is no other representative of Serb minority in the Assembly except Lista Srpska or, as he called it “the Belgrade’s extension,” he will discuss with them.

“Until the day when election results were certified we hoped that someone who’s not from Lista Srpska may succeed entering the Assembly, although my problem with Lista Srpska is not because it’s Serbian. In the end, after the certification, we found that this was not possible,” Kurti told Euronews Albania.

The VV prime minister candidate underlined that he will act according to constitution.

“I don’t want to excommunicate Lista Srpska. I want to meet with them and discuss about this issue, as… allow me to reiterate, I respect the Constitution on this matter. Although, by not confusing the constitutional obligation with a political coalition. We’ve no obligation whatsoever to establish any political coalition with Lista Srpska,” Kurti clarified.

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